Karel/layout - created homepage and study options based on materials in figma
Created by: KarelGeyer
Couple of components were created:
Homepage folder
- can be found -> frontend -> pages -> Homepage (localhost:3000/homepage)
- needs to be redesigned to match with version 3.0 (will be done in next few days)
- added responsivity (only phone version)
- all styled using Styled components,
- based on version 0.5, for now, its components are:
- DropDowns.tsx - basic styled inputs to choose your education, course and additional qualification, under inputs there is a search button.
- Headline.tsx - Headline and Subheadline
- can be found -> frontend -> pages -> StudyOptions (localhost:3000/studyoptions)
- design based on version 3.0
- added responsivity (only phone version)
- all styled using Styled components, Material UI for icons
- its components are:
- Heading.tsx - headings, title, qualification, some text, filter button
- Selection.tsx - selection based on Tile, Qualification, CŽV
- Results.tsx - containers for each university
- Footer can be found in - folder layout -> footer -> Footer.tsx
- once again only used Styled Components
- its responsive (only phone version)
- imported in Layout.tsx bellow MaxWidth component
also installed material UI Core and Icons